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Email2SMS - running behind NAT


Q: How to send emails to NAT IP address in the Email2SMS?

Note: This setting is configurable via webUI since SW version 4.33+:

Below steps apply only for older SW versions:

1. Login to the console via SSH as root

2. Edit Postfix configuration file:
[for NXS and MHD device type:]

nano /etc/postfix/

[for NPE device type:]

nano /mnt/nand-user/postfix/etc/postfix/

3. Change line:

proxy_interfaces = [your external IP address]

4. Exit with CTRL+X, confirm y and and enter
5. Reload postfix configuration with:
[for NXS and MHD device type:]

service postfix reload

[for NPE device type:]

postfix reload
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