Q: Is it possible to change 123456789@ to 123456789@yourdomain.com?
Q: What to do if I receive the error "mxrelay postfix/smtp: xxxxx said: 454 4.7.1 : Relay access denied (in reply to RCPT TO command)"?
Note: This setting is configurable via webUI since SW version 4.33+ in the plugin settings:
The below steps apply only to older SW versions:
Here are the steps for setting up your SMSEagle to accept FQDN addresses:
1. Configure domain yourdomain.com
on your DNS server to point to SMSEagle device (both A, MX entries).
2. Login to your SMSEagle device with SSH as root
3. Edit file:
[for NXS or MHD device type:]
[for NPE device type:]
a) find line:
myhostname = localhost.localdomain
b) comment the line (add a # sign before it):
#myhostname = localhost.localdomain
c) add new line:
myhostname = yourdomain.com
d) save file, exit from editor
4. Reload postfix configuration with:
[for NXS and MHD device type:]
service postfix reload
[for NPE device type:]
postfix reload