It is possible to whitelist (limit to certain numbers) incoming SMS messages on your SMSEagle device. In this scenario, SMSEagle will ignore all incoming SMS from a phone number not present in the whitelist.
This can be done via modem software configuration file.
1. Log in via SSH to the SMSEagle
2. Edit config
nano /etc/gammu-smsdrc1
nano /etc/gammu-smsdrcX (* for multimodem device. Replace X with modem number)
3. At the end of file add a new section [include_numbers]. In the section add one or more "description = phone_number" pairs.
number1 = 123456789
number2 = 987654321
4. Save file and exit
5. Restart modem software
a) Enter webGUI > tab Maintenance
b) disable selected Modem and press "Save" button
c) enable selected Modem and press "Save" button
If [include_numbers] section exists, all values (keys are ignored) from it are used as allowed phone numbers and no other message is processed.
Notice: The configuration described above will allow to stop processing of incoming messages in the following way: SMS will be received from a cellular network and stored in the internal memory of a radio module. Stored messages will be ignored and will not affect the work of the device.